Understanding Denial of Service Attacks

Background Some time ago I had a discussion with an acquaintance who’s working as a software developer regarding denial of service attacks. I also happens to be a silent reader...

Improving Yourself as an Engineer

I can’t really say that I excel in what I do, nor can I say that I have reached a level where I can be considered an expert in any...

VulnHub Zico2 Writeup

This is a writeup for VulnHub’s zico2: 1 challenge. This weekend I’m doing two challenges, the other being LazySysAdmin: 1. Host Discovery I started with scanning the hosts in the...

VulnHub LazySysAdmin Writeup

This is a writeup for VulnHub’s LazySysAdmin: 1 challenge. It’s almost a year since I did my last VulnHub challenge, HackDay: Albania. Host Discovery I started by scanning my network...

Banning Web-Based Services Wouldn't Work

Background Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Kemenkominfo, decided to ban Telegram messaging service[1]. According to the circulating news, the Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo), Rudiantara, decided to ban...