A Critique of Growth Hack-Driven Development

Having been working as a software engineer in Indonesia’s tech startup scene since 2013, I observed a lot of things happening in the industry throughout the decade. This covers a...

Studying Geckos

When the pandemic started in 2020, I started spending most of my time at home in late March as we’re forced to go into WFH. After a while, I noticed...

Conflict Management and Resolution

As an engineering manager, conflict management is a part of my day-to-day work. But luckily, the conflicts that I need to manage at work are generally just alignment issues between...

Quantum Supremacy and Key Pairs

As the research in quantum computing advances, quantum supremacy in the field of cybersecurity becomes more of a concern. The fear that once quantum computing becomes feasible for threat actors...

System Design, Culture, and Philosophy

Since 2017, I’ve been working at Cermati mainly in the domain of infrastructure platform engineering. I’ve written quite a bit about what I and my team at Cermati have been...